Thursday, March 1, 2012

10 Things you didn't know about Barack obama

1.Barack obama has a set of red boxing gloves autographed by Muhammad Ali in his possession.

2.He once lived in Indonesia for 4 years and at that time he ate dog meat,snake meat and grasshopper.

3.Barack obama is a smoker.He promised Michelle his wife that he would quit smoking before running for president.He didn't keep his promise. He still does.

4.On the other hand obama doesn't drink coffee and very rarely have alcohols.

5.In his teenage years Barack Obama took drugs including marijuana and cocaine.

6.Barack Obama uses a blackberry to keep in touch with his family and friends.How ever when conducting communications needing special security he uses any of the two Windows CE smartphones: the Sectera Edge or the L3 Guardian.These phones are result of $18 million, NSA-sponsored program to develop a top secret smart phones specially for the president of the US.

7. He uses an Apple Mac laptop.

8. Barack Obama is a fan of basketball.He plans to install a basketball court in the White House premises.

9. Obama reads Harry Potter to his oldest daughter Malia every night when he gets home.

10. Contrary to popular belief Barack Obama was never a Muslim.Obama is a Christian and a former member of the Trinity United Church of Christ.


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